Cycling is a form of physical activity with recognized health benefits and is both a means of transportation and leisure activity. However, cyclist injury events with a motor vehicle can occur. In fact, despite well-marked bike lanes, injuries to cyclists are a common occurrence. According to Canadian Vital Statistics, collisions with a motor vehicle between 2006-2017 made up 73% of fatal cycling events. At Juzkiw Law, our team provides effective legal representation to injured cyclists. The emotional and physical recovery from cycling accidents require a full financial recovery regarding compensation. Our legal team has the experience, advocacy, and record of achieving full compensation that injured person(s) need in order to move forward in life.
Bicycle Accidents
Bicycle Accidents
Benefits for Injured Clients
- While some may assume that their options are limited regarding access to insurance benefits because they themselves were not driving a vehicle, compensation may be available from several sources which include:
o A lawsuit against the at-fault driver or negligent parties
o Private Insurance Benefits from the Injured person’s policy
o Accident Benefits from the injured victims’ auto insurance policy if they own a vehicle
o Accident Benefits from the driver’s auto insurance policy involved in the collision; and
o Accident Benefits from the Motor Vehicle Claims Fund (MVAC)
- Victim cyclists who have sustained injuries as a result of a motor vehicle may take months or even years to heal. The effects of such trauma are debilitating, and individuals alike may never be the same. Compensation is one means by which victims can move ahead with their rehabilitative plan and realize that they have the financial resources necessary to secure recovery.
Injured Minors and Understanding their Unique Needs
- Given that children are in the vital stages of physical and emotional development, the full impact of a child’s injuries may not immediately manifest after a collision, and therefore a treatment plan may require adjustments as the child ages. As a result, minors who are injured while riding bikes have specific legal and medical needs. From a legal perspective, litigation brought on behalf of a child in Ontario must be supervised by a litigation guardian, may require a guardianship application for management of the child’s care and property, and the settlement requires approval by the court. The complexities involved require competent and experienced legal representation to secure the compensation your child needs for their recovery and long-term well-being.
Compassion and Dedication
- At Juzkiw Law, our legal team remains committed to treating each cyclist accident victim with a high degree of dignity and respect. Our legal expertise and knowledge will be used to analyze each case which presents a unique set of facts. We will pursue fair and just compensation so our clients can rest assured and have the ability to move forward with their lives. Results that matter.
Serving Ontario: Bike Accident Lawyers
- The Ontario-based bicycle accident lawyers at our firm can assist you as needed to discuss your injuries and legal options. The Initial consultation is free. If you are unable to meet at the office, we can come to you. Contact us online or call us at 416-290-5055.
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